Kaelyn looses another tooth

Yes, the teeth are now coming quick.  She lost another today on the way home from school while she was eating chips.  She’s brave enough to pull them out on her own now without hesitation.

Her new teeth are coming in just as quickly as the old ones are coming out as well.

Avery achieves a milestone

We are proud to say that Avery is officially potty trained!!!

It took her some time and multiple different toilets, but in the end she got it all down.  Repetition and positive reinforcement really encouraged her to take this big step to be like her big sister.  We are lucky that both of the girls were relatively easy to train.

Sure we had some tough moments with Avery, but in the end she took to it like a pro.  Just in the nick of time too because the other little guy is just around the corner and having to buy two different types of diapers would not have been fun.

Losing Her Teeth

Kaelyn has finally started to lose some of her teeth.  She started out with her top front teeth falling out, a few days ago she lost a lower tooth.  She is taking it all in stride because all of her friends at school are losing tooth like theres no tomorrow.  Kae was so excited she even took her tooth to school to show her buddies.

Guek and I still remember the day she cut her first tooth, went through the pains of teething and brushing.  Now she is losing her first set of teeth.  It’s a sad day, we are getting older and the kids are growing so fast…

Looking ahead to 2015

What a year 2014 was, we were so busy that I hardly even had time to update with a blog post.

What is store for us in 2015? Well there is a lot going on.  Avery just turned two and she is a bundle of energy, but she sure does like to sleep so whenever the sandman gets to her, she is sure to let us know.

Kaelyn is halfway through 1st grade and doing really well, she’s got her own little group of friends now and is diligently mastering math and reading.  She’s also been working hard at piano and that is keeping her busy as well.

As if our lives weren’t busy enough, we are embarking on yet another journey in to parenthood.  Our third is expected in May and we are beyond elated.  Doctor has given us word that this one will be a boy, yes that’s right a boy!  I don’t know if I should be excited or scared, but if our baby is healthy that’s all that matters in the end.

Our updates are short, but we continue to enjoy our fun times together.  Working both full time and juggling our lives as parents is no easy feat, if it were not for the help of our parents I don’t now how we would manage and still stay sane.

Avery Smiled

I thought that I would be the first one to get Avery to smile, but of course her Mom accomplished the task before I could get to it.

We got her to give us that little smirk and its oh so sweet.  Unfortunately we didn’t get a high resolution photo of it, so a picture from our iPhone will just have to do.

Photo Mar 09, 1 41 33 PM Photo Mar 09, 1 41 45 PM